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от профессора Аверьянова
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Jørgen Thorball

Jørgen Thorball

Health & Science Advisor Rigi Care

I am honoured to recommend Professor Alexander Averyanov - my friend and excellent colleague with whom we have worked for almost 10 years. During this time we have conducted several clinical studies in the field of regenerative medicine and helped many patients with their serious diseases in Moscow, Switzerland, Italy and Denmark.

In my practice, when there is a patient with an incomprehensible pathology of the lungs, I always seek advice from Dr. Averyanov and have been fully satisfied with his professionalism and careful follow-up. I know many good doctors around the world, but few here in the West have a patient-centered approach and who also find time to educate other specialists by e.g. sharing his vast knowledge in a new and excellent monograph (book) on such a complex subject as "Difficult to Diagnose Rare Diffuse Lung Disease", published by one of the most prestigious publishers - Elsevier, which underscores Dr. Averyanov's international medical authority.

On a personal level, I greatly appreciate his intelligent and very thoughtful patient care. He always communicates with great honesty and integrity and always has the best interest of the patient at heart.

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